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  • Propeller Making for the Amateur - By Eric Clutton

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    The author is a technical studies (industrial arts) teacher, and maintains that making propellers is as much an art as an exact science, since there are so many factors which can vary and are varied at the whim of the constructor.

    This book sets out to dispel the 'black magic' atmosphere surrounding propeller making. Certainly anyone who has built his own aircraft is quite capable of making a propeller. A well finished propeller is a thing of real beauty, and the making of it can give tremendous satisfaction. It can also save a considerable sum of money as, by far, the largest item in the cost of a propeller is the labor involved in making it.

    Illustrated lectures on prop-making have been given, and successful propellers made simply on the basis of these talks. This book gives the same information in a form readily referred to and hopefully easily digested.

    Those with an inquiring mind will find the experimental aspect of propeller design and manufacture particularly fascinating as there has been comparatively little research into small props rotating at high r.p.m. thus making a great deal of the design work empirical. (Empirical means inspired guesswork!)

    Item # BK100 ................ This item is no longer available

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Gemini Propeller Carving Duplicator Allred & Associates Inc.
Gemini Carving Duplicator Division
321 Route 5 West
Elbridge, New York 13060
Ph. 315-252-2559
Fax: 315-252-0502
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